Wednesday, August 29, 2007

...The gOod stufF...

My technological experiences have been not so good! It's a joke in my family that I am technologically illiterate. I would say that is true in some cases, but sometimes I can be very smooth on the computer. I love creating things like slide shows, flyers, cards, newsletters, and posters on Publisher and on Powerpoint. Those I would have to say are my 2 absolute favorite programs to play around with on the computer. Me and technology just don't see eye to eye sometime, and then when it doesn't work, I get pretty frustrated with it, and want to throw things at it or just plain and simple throw it out the window! But don't get me wrong, technology is a wonderful thing and I love it, but sometimes, goodness gracious I just can't deal with it!

In this class, I hope to learn alot more about the technology that I use every day, and that I will continue to use throughout my lifetime. I am hoping to familarize myself more with these applications and I hope to learn new things about each program so I can broaden my knowledge, and to hopefully one day make my classroom a more fun and interesting learning environment.

From the on-line activity we did today in class, I learned that I am a pretty well balanced learner. I like to see things laid out in front of me in pictures and diagrams, but at the same time, I still like to have those written instructions ready to go incase the pictures aren't doing me any justice. I think that it is important to be this way because many people are just one-way learners, and depending on our teachers and professors could effect our learning ability. I like to see the pretty pictures and diagrams because I am a more visual person so it helps me to see things better, and I more often remember those things longer!

Well I guess that's it for the first one! -Peace