Monday, September 10, 2007

*ChApTer 1*

Chapter one shows us many different uses for technology in the classroom & how to present it. Now days, incorporating technology into a classroom is very important. We are in a digital age & world. Kids at very young ages are being introduced to technology like educational computer games and games such as Leap Frog. Keller developed the ARCS Motivational Model which has been instrumental in the classroom. Making a child feel motivated may not always be easy. The ARCS is here to help with that. By focusing your students attention on something that is very interesting to them, it helps them to become motivated to learn that subject area. By doing this, the student is learning something that is interesting and important to them at one time. The ISTE is also another woderful orginization. The non-profit orginization helps schools locally, as well as nationally by providing up to date technology like new computers, programs, and the latest in educational break throughs with moderen technology. Teachers today should feel very lucky to have the world literally at their fingers. Computers are an amazing thing to have and help the schools out tremendously, whether with grades, transcripts, or just finding out information from the web. Technology is wonderful and helps out in a variety of ways.

Since the last class, I have learned many new skills. In Word, I learned how to move pictures around the page! (Thank goodness!) I also learned how to create tests with page breaks, graphics. That helped me alot especially the pics :) Since I do a lot with Word that is such a life saver!

I think that this class is going to teach us all alot of information that we didn't know! In this day and age since the technology is always changing, it's a good idea to take a technological class. I am excited and hopeful about what lies before us in this world of technology!

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