Monday, October 15, 2007

ChapTer 5

In chapter 5, many things are discussed about our new "digital age" and how we plan to use these new innovations. One area I found interesting was the digital media applications. I am very fond of this idea because as a future educator, I am going to have to find creative ways to help my students learn to the best of their abilities. You can create power point slides with animation in them, with sounds to help describle something, and pictures to show what you are talking about. This will help intrigue the students minds and help them to pay attention longer. Another area I really liked is the CBT. This is computer based training. When I was observing a teacher's class at Riley Elementary school, we went into a computer lab and the children worked with educational interactive software. I feel that this helped the students learn in a less traditional way and more in a modern way. They are also not just learning about their lessons, but it helps them deal with modern technology that some of them might not have at home.

Since the last class, I have learned how to make wikis and web pages. This will be very helpful to me in the future because with the way technology is progressing, schools will pretty soon be all digitalized. Then I will be able to put the students lessons on-line so that incase some one might lose thier assignment book, they will be able to have access to their homework problems. With the wikis we will be able to have interactive class disscussions, so that if a child misses class, they will no what went on that day in lecture.

Technology can be fun, but I am sure not a technological girl! These past two weeks have been extra hard! I am glad I learned how to do this stuff, but I sure hope it gets easier in the future! :)

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