Monday, October 22, 2007

>ChaPter 6<

In chapter 6 we learn a variety of information and how to incorporate intow our everyday lesson plans as a teacher. The ASSURE method is a wonderful way to structure technology into your lesson plans. It makes you ask questions that are very helpful to you. For instance, like who are you teaching? or what are you going to teach? or do the lessons meet each of our curriculum goals? I find this very helpful. I will ask myself when I go to write a lesson plan in the future these simple questions, so that I might make a better lesson plan, than if I didn't ask my self these very important structuralization questions. Incorporating technology into your lessons might not always necissarliy be easy. You have to think of how big your class is, and if you can get enough computers to satisfy your lessons. Another thing that you have to think of is your students. Do they have acess to computers outside of school? Can they afford a computer? As a teacher, you have to be aware of these things, especially in the world that we live in today. We also need to be aware of how are students are learning. If the are assertive learners, authentic learners, or active learning, these are all important things when planning lessons.

Since the last class, I have learned about WIKI's and power points. Wiki's will be useful while kids are out of class, so that we can have online discussions. This will allow the child to kind of catch up on the lecture for the day if they missed. Powerpoints are great to convey lecture notes. You can make them funny, serious, and put all kinds of different media into them to make a lecture day much more fun!

In the future all these skills we have been developing are going to come in handy for my teaching days! I can't wait to get into the classroom and try them out!

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